R.I.P. Knife + Fork

Update: Knife + Fork re-opened as Percy’s Tavern Knife + Fork in September 2010, three months after it closed. They are now located at 210 Avenue A (13th Street).
Knife + Fork in the East Village closed after service on Saturday evening.
After both of my visits (here, here), I was impressed with the quality and ambition of the food at a modest price-point. But it’s telling that after four years in business, the tasting menu was still just $45. The chef, Damien Bressel, would surely have raised it if he could.
The last time I was there, nine months ago, the dining room was nearly empty on a Wednesday evening, and Bressel was doubling as server and host (in addition to chef), as his only waiter had called in sick.
It seemed a bit sad even then, but somehow he hung on before finally throwing in the towel. We look forward to his next project.

Reader Comments (1)
I'm impressed they lasted as long as they have. I don't think I've ever seen that dining room more than 10% or 20% full.