Pacific Coast Highway Album: San Simeon to Monterey

Second in a five-part series (see part 1, part 2)
The segment of California Highway 1 between San Simeon and Monterey offers some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. The road is two lanes for most of the route, twisting and turning through mountain passes. This was about a three-hour drive.
Left & right: Not long past San Simeon, there’s an outlook onto a beach where California Seals sun themselves. They didn’t budge during the time we were there, except to spray sand onto themselves with their flippers. We were fortunate to see them, as it was the third week of March, and their beach season ends around April 1st.
Left: I have to assume this is a father and pup. The larger individual seems too bulky to be a female. Right: No seals in this photo, but this is the view at the same stop, just a couple of hundred feet north.
Left & right: The road to Monterey
Left & right: The road to Monterey
Left: The Bixby Bridge, built in 1932. Right: The view beyond Bixby Bridge.

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