Review Preview: Casa Lever

Tomorrow, Sam Sifton reviews Casa Lever, the old Lever House space that now does Italian at nosebleed prices. The Eater oddsmakers have set the action as follows: Goose Egg: 100–1; One Star: 2–1; Two Stars: 3–1; Three Stars: 50–1.
We haven’t dined at Casa Lever, and none of the reviews we’ve seen suggest that it would be worthwhile. Perhaps Sifton will surprise us, be we find it hard to believe that the guy who slammed Aureole and SD26, and gave a tough two to Oceana, will turn into a cupcake when he reviews this place.
Unlike Eater, we think the goose egg is far more likely than the deuce, but we will make the safe and seemingly obvious bet: one star.
Casa Lever in
Review Preview

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