Rolling the Dice: Oak Room at the Plaza

The Line: Tomorrow, Frank Bruni reviews the legendary Oak Room at The Plaza, recently under new management with a Michelin-lauded chef, Joel Antunes. The Eater oddsmakers have set the action as follows (√√ denotes the Eater bet):
Zero Stars: 20-1
One Star: 6-1
Two Stars: 3-1 √√
Three Stars: 4-1
Four Stars: 25-1
The Skinny: The poor Oak Room had the misfortune to open right into the headwind of the worst recession in a generation. The price of dinner here is more than a car payment. The cuisine is luxe Continental—always a tough sell in New York, even in the best of times.
Pro reviewers to date all give Chef Antunes his due, but none of them are shouting from the rooftops, “You must eat here!” — the way they did at Corton, for example. This isn’t a style of dining that has ever floated Frank Bruni’s boat, and we suspect he’ll find the high price point off-putting, unless everything served was absolutely perfect.
We agree with Eater that the odds between two and three stars are nearly in equipoise, and any other outcome would be surprising. Given Bruni’s track record, we agree that two stars is the slightly more probable outcome.
The Bet: We agree with Eater that Frank Bruni will most likely award two stars to the Oak Room.

Reader Comments (1)
this is for Frank Bruni
maybe you should change a profession,go to rate Greek Diners this is were you belong...
You tried to destroyed many Restaurants,Ago,Oak Room,Morandi,Le Cirque,Gemma,
etc etc..
remember that at Ago, was serving you my best friend from Venice,who had work in the "De Bain Hotel"
(5 Star)Lido Island
How come that you always rate very good,Felidia for example, were the food is what it is...she is my paesana,actually she even doesn't
now,what she is, Italian-Croatian...but she give a lot of donations and charities to your New York Times
Maybe you shoud think about retiring...