Rolling the Dice: 2nd Avenue Deli

Every week, we take our turn with Lady Luck on the BruniBetting odds as posted by Eater. Just for kicks, we track Eater’s bet too, and see who is better at guessing what the unpredictable Bruni will do. We track our sins with an imaginary $1 bet every week.
The Line: Tomorrow, Frank Bruni reviews the 2nd Avenue Deli. The Eater oddsmakers have set the action as follows (√√ denotes the Eater bet):
Zero Stars: 3-1
One Star: 2-1 √√
Two Stars: 5-1
Three Stars: 75-1
Four Stars: 25,000-1
The Skinny: There isn’t much we can add to Eater’s compelling logic. Frank Bruni doesn’t usually mess with delis, so it would be awfully peculiar for him to invest the time in a review, only to give it a goose egg. But two stars for a deli would be awfully generous, given that the revered Katz’s deli came away with only one.
The Bet: We agree with Eater that Frank Bruni will award one star to the 2nd Avenue Deli.

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