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The Bubble Lounge

bubble_lounge_inside.jpgDid everyone else in town know that the Bubble Lounge is a champagne bar?

It seems obvious now, but I’ve walked by it for years, and never went inside, or even made the connection that bubbles = champagne. Well, I was meeting a friend for drinks after work, and I picked The Bubble Lounge simply because I’d always been curious. So now I know.

The Bubble Lounge is actually a mini-chain, with outposts in both San Francisco and New York, and if the website is correct, more to come in other cities. The speciality is a menu featuring over 300 varieties of champagnes and sparkling wines. The food menu is strictly hors d’oeuvres.

The vibe is cool and dark, the seating comfortable. My friend and I found a couple of soft, wing-backed chairs right next to the jazz band. We spent an hour or so talking, but once the band arrived there wasn’t much hope of conversation. That’s not the bar’s fault, and the jazz at least was excellent.

The sparkling wines are a better bet than the cocktails. I tried two of the latter, neither of which impressed me, but the champagne we tried was very good. However, there aren’t many bargains to be had: the bill was $98 for six drinks (including tax, before tip). We only drank, so I can’t comment on the food.

The Bubble Lounge (228 West Broadway between N. Moore and Franklin Streets, TriBeCa)

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